This video by Professor Senda provides a great overview of Hara Castle.
Q: What is the story behind the Shimabara-Amakusa Rebellion?
Most people will know that the Shimabara-Amakusa Rebellion was prompted by the ban on Christianity. But there is more to the story than that.
When Matsukura Shigemasa was appointed as the lord of the Hinoe Domain instead of Arima Naozumi, son of former lord Arima Harunobu, he immediately ordered Harunobu's Hara Castle to be destroyed and started work on a new castle at Shimabara in 1618. In order to raise funds for his very expensive new castle, Matsukura Shigemasa raised taxes to even higher levels than before, forcing his people into poverty and hardship.
For many of these people, it was Christian teachings that had sustained them through their already difficult lives. And now even Christianity was banned.
Farming and fishing communities were close to starvation, and finally they reached breaking point. This was what started the Rebellion.
Q: Who took part in the Rebellion?
It was mainly farmers and fishermen, but there were some samurai too. While estimates vary, it is thought there were over 20,000 people involved, mostly from the lower ranks of society. Harunobu had been providing protection to Christians for many years, so there were many Christians living in the general area of modern-day Minami Shimabara.
Q: Who were they rebelling against?
They were fighting the shogunate forces. Toyotomi Hideyoshi had issued the Edict Against Christianity over concerns that the Christian feudal lords were using foreign trade to boost their assets and were becoming too powerful. The Tokugawa shogunate government reasoned that if the Rebellion were to succeed, the Christian forces would be emboldened and might eventually take over the entire country, which in turn would leave Japan vulnerable to foreign invasion. Fearing the worst, the Tokugawa shogunate government sent some 120,000 troops down to Hara Castle to crush the uprising. It is well known that Miyamoto Musashi was among those recruited from nearby regions to help quell the Rebellion. Though said to be a fine swordsman, Musashi was injured by rocks hurled by the Rebellion forces, according to records.
Q: How was the Rebellion able to hold out for three months despite the shogunate forces' strategy of cutting off their food supplies?
Hara Castle was built on cliffs along the coastline. So even though it looks like it could be surrounded easily, there was also direct access to the ocean. It is said that during the second half of the revolt, the food that had been brought in at the beginning ran out, but the revolters, who knew the local seas well, were able to go out to sea by boat and replenish their food supply.The castle also had its own well for water supplies.
Q: After the more than 20,000 rebels (opinion is divided about the number of rebels) were killed, were there many people left in the Minami Shimabara area?
Unfortunately not, because virtually all of the people from those villages had been killed. The Tokugawa shogunate government also encouraged many of the remaining people to relocate, using incentives such as exemption from taxes.
Q: Why are the Hara Castle Ruins a World Heritage Site?
Hara Castle has historical importance as the site of the Shimabara-Amakusa Rebellion, which led the Christians to "go into hiding" . It also tells us that there were many committed Christians who were prepared to do anything to hold onto their beliefs in spite of the ban on Christianity.
The Hara Castle Ruins site was added to the World Heritage list as Cultural Assets Related to Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki and Amakusa Region. It is important to consider the entire list of 12 cultural assets as part of one continuous story that begins with Hara Castle. Indeed, the Hara Castle Ruins should be the starting point for any tour of the World Heritage sites in this region.
The alien, who has collected basic information on the Hara Castle Ruins, is now taking his route for a sightseeing tour of Minami Shimabara. The tour guide gazes after him, with his blue jacket sparkling in the sun.
▼Bookings not required Highly recommended -- Hara Castle Ruins tour guide (Fee: 500 yen)
Guides are available weekends and public holidays only. Our friendly guides are waiting to show you around the Hara Castle Ruins. We look forward to seeing you.
Open: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm (closed over New Year holidays and in bad weather)
Entrance: Hara Castle Ruins Information Center
Fee: Adults ?500, students (up to junior high school) free, families ?1,000
Place: The main compound
Time: Around 40 minutes