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Historical walk routes: Kazusa route

Time:1Hour(s)30Minute(s) Distance:2.64km
Kazusa is known as the place of publication of Sanctos no Gosagveo no Vchi Nvqigaqi, the first Christian publication in Japan, printed on a Gutenberg movable-type printing press brought back from Europe by the delegation of youths sent there in the Tensho era. Jutting into the sea, Mount Iwato also has various historical sites that are worth seeing, including the Zazen Rock, where the eminent Zen monk Daichi sat and meditated, and Ana-Kannon, a carving of the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy in a big cavern that appears in a book on Japan by the missionary Luís Fróis. We hope you will add it to your list of destinations on trips for coming into touch with the early Christian culture of Japan.
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